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 Financing WBL

Here you can find a brief overview on the different means of financing WBL in each of the respective economies.

Financing WBL in Albania

The Ministry of Finance and Economy covers the costs of financing in vocational education, based on the work programs and the annual budget approved by the Government, in accordance with the Law on State Budget of the Republic of Albania. By the end of each year the MoFE allocates and details the budget for all subordinate institutions and prepares a cash flow plan…


Financing WBL in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina is being financed mostly from the public means of the entity, cantonal, Brčko district and municipality budgets, depending on its jurisdictions. In practise, this means that there are 13 separate budgets for education in Bosnia and Herzegovina: two on entity level, one in Brčko district and ten cantonal budgets.

The system of financing public education institutions, including VET and adult education, is defined by the budget system. All public education institutions are part of the treasury system and are obliged to submit annual financial plans and reports to the competent institution (ministry of education/ local management)…


Financing WBL in Kosovo*

The VET education in Kosovo is financed by the public funds only. The financing of VET in Kosovo is done through the Ministry of Education, Science and technology. It mainly covers the costs of financing VET based on students’ per capita rate based on the annual budget approved by the Government, in accordance with the Law on Budget of the Republic of Kosovo.

The total annual amount from the public budget per student is 23 euro. This amount covers goods and services (consumables, running costs and other utilities) necessary for the daily school operation. While the salaries and wages of the school staff paid by the different budget line of the Municipality Education Directorate…


Financing WBL in Montenegro

The Law on Vocational Education and Training stipulates that the budget of the Ministry of Education ensures funds for the fees of students of the first and second grade in dual education system. The renumeration of students in the third grade are the duty of the employer. The amount of the fee in the first grade is at least 10% average net salary, at least 15% average net salary in the second grade and at least 20% average net salary in the third grade…


Financing WBL in North Macedonia

The Ministry of Education and Science mostly covers the costs of financing in vocational education, based on the work programs and the annual budget approved by the Government, in accordance with the Law on Budget of the Republic of Macedonia, the Law on Implementation of the Budget of the Republic of Macedonia (for the current year) and the Law on Funding the Local Self-Government Units. Private schools are funded by the founder and co-funded by the students. 

Financing of VET schools follows a methodology for establishing criteria for allocation of block/lump sum grants for secondary education to municipalities and the city of Skopje. The municipalities receive block grants from the Ministry of Education and Science which are in general used for salaries, student transportation and heating costs. Part of the funds is allocated to development issues. Part of the operational costs is covered by the schools themselves or by the respective municipality…


Financing WBL in Serbia

In principle, there are two ways of funding the secondary Vocational Education and Training system in the Republic of Serbia.

One way is through public funding with funds from tax-payers for covering various expenses within the secondary VET system. These various categories of expenses imply: cost of teaching staff and instructors; cost of equipment and material at schools and other learning places; remuneration for pupils or apprentices; cost of administration and maintaining infrastructure, exams, advanced trainings for staff; cost of support services for particular target groups or companies (for example socially deprived groups with learning difficulties, subventions for branches or companies in an disadvantaged positions)…


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