List of Documents
- Law on Secondary Education
- Rulebook on the manner of accreditation of secondary schools and the manner of maintaining registries
- Rulebook on the conditions and manner of taking professional exam for teachers and professional associates in public secondary schools
- Rulebook on international Matura
- Rulebook on the manner of monitoring, assessment and grading, taking exams and progression of students in secondary schools
- Rulebook on the manner of taking exams and evaluating student results from state Matura exams in general, vocational and secondary art education
- Rulebook on the manner of taking exams and evaluating student results from final exams in secondary four-year vocational education
- Rulebook on the manner and domains for performing self-evaluation of primary schools
- Law on the Vocational Education and Training
- Rulebook on the form, content and manner of maintaining the Registry for
- Accreditation of employers for practical student training (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 31/08);
- Rulebook on the structure, organization and administering Master of Crafts exam (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia)
- Rulebook on the structure, organisation and realisation of the specialist examination (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia
- Rulebook on the structure, organization and administering vocational competence exam (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 29/09); No. 135/17);
- Rulebook on the form, content and manner of maintaining the Registry of students who concluded practical training contracts with the vocational education and training institution and the employer (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No.41/14);
- Law on Craftsmanship (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 62/04, 55/07, 115/10, 36/11, 53/11 and 164/13);
- Law on the Education Inspectorate
- Indicators for quality of the work of school
- Law on the Bureau for Development of Education
- Law on Adult Education
- Law on the State Examination Centre
- Law on the NQF
- Law on Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools
- Law on Academy for Teachers
- Law on Pedagogical Service
Educational strategies and other documents
- Education Strategy for 2018-2025 and Action Plan
- Strategy for vocational education and training in the context of lifelong learning 2013-2020, Skopje 2013
- Concept for vocational training with duration up to two years
- Concept for vocational education for occupations
- Concept for Modernization of Technical education
- Methodology for developing sector standards
- Sectorial analyses
- Methodology for preparation of occupation standards
- Methodology for preparation of qualification standards
- National Employment Strategy 2016-2020
- ESRP 2020 – Employment and Social Reform Programme
- EQF Referencing Report of the Macedonian Qualifications Framework and Self-Certification to the QF-EHEA
- Concept for graduation and final exam in secondary education lasting four years in the Republic of Macedonia
- Methodology and instruments for analysis of the network of secondary schools in the Republic of Macedonia
- Standards for delivery of practical student training at employers; Standard for professional and other staff for delivery of practical training at employers; Standards for equipment and premises for realization of practical training at employers