WBA4WBL platform is used for publishing information on projects implemented in the Western Balkan region and various resources related to implemented projects and work-based learning in general.
Tools and Links
Section Tools and Links contains various documents, recordings and toolsrelated to work-based learning such are:
- Test the quality & effectiveness of your apprenticeships
- 20 Quality Assets for Companies Offering Apprenticeships
- Webinar Recording Monitoring & Evaluating apprentices inside the company
- Priručnik za mentore praktične nastave u firmama
- Mentori praktične nastave kod poslovnih subjekata
- Girls’ Day perspektivna budućnost za djevojčice
- Vodič za uspješnu organizaciju i izvođenje praktične nastave kod poslovnog subjekta:
- Srednje stručno obrazovanje u Bosni i Hercegovini
Reports and publications
Section Reports and publications contains opensource publications on the topic of work based learning-
- Teachers and Trainers Matter – 12 policy pointers
- Teachers and trainers in work-based learning/apprenticeships
- Skills audit – How to identify talent
- A new skills agenda for EuropeCommuniqué on New Dynamics of Technical and Vocational Education in the Western Balkans
- Pilot Results for Through Work-Based Learning Within the Vocational Education and Training Vet System in Kosovo
- Области и форми на соработка на стручните училишта и компаниитe
- Анализа на секторот за угостителство и туризам
- High-performance apprenticeships & work-based learning
- Peer mentoring programme “My Knowledge – Your Future Profession?”
Section Projects contains information on projects implemented in the Western Balkan region.
- Youth, Employment and Skills in Kosovo* (YES)
- KulturKontakt Austria-funded projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- TVET in Bosnia-Herzegovina