How to start WBL for schools
Before the school year, the school introduces it’s “offer of educational profiles the school has to the future students and parents, by their official website, “open door”, as well as visits of primary schools.
The school also organizes meetings with potential employers/companies which wish to participate in WBL, e i.e. which can offer positions where WBL can be performed. During the meetings the companies are introduced to the curriculum as well as with their obligations in the education process.
Those obligations include: having the facilities, equipment and didactic material for the specific educational profiles; having the appropriate number of licenced instructors according to the curriculum; taking the necessary security and health safety measures in accordance with the law, having the appropriate number of licenced instructors according to the curriculum; taking the necessary security and health safety measures in accordance with the law.
After these meetings, the school signs a contract on dual education with one or more employers which posses a Certificate on fulfilment of Conditions for performing WBL, with the objective of securing all conditions to fulfil all the contents of WBL as defined by the Curriculum. After having collected all data, the School decides how many educational profiles and classes i.e. number of students it can accept.
The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (MoEST), in cooperation with schools, Chamber of Commerce of Serbia (PKS) and local managements (municipal) makes enrollment plans for that school year, taking into consideration the possibilities of the schools as well as the needs of the local community. The data obtained from the local communities are united in school managements and sent to the MoEST, which makes enrolment plans for the next school year based on these data.
When the school gets a confirmation by the MoEST on the enrollment quota (by educational profile) it is obliged to sign a Contract on Dual Education with the employer, in writing, at least for a period of 3 or 4 years, in accordance with the Curriculum.
The student, parent or legal representative, employer and school jointly, decide during enrollment where the student will be allocated.
How to start with WBL for companies
A company must take the following steps before it decides to take part in WBL, i.e. to accept students for practical training:
- Get to know the legal framework which governs dual education.
- Decides which educational profile it can organize practical training.
- Define the number of students it can accept
- Make contact with the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia
- Name and training the in company instructors
- Plan student trainings
- Formalizes contracts/ agreements between the company and the school and between the company and student.
- Plan the progress of the students
- Plan periodic and final evaluations /exams.