How to Start WBL for Schools
The most common form of Work-based Learning in Bosnia and Herzegovina is based on alternate learning in schools and practical training in companies which can range between one and three days per week during the school year.
The school determines the criteria for choosing companies. It crates a network for cooperation and exchange of information between schools and companies and prepares the necessary documentation (contracts, guidelines, checklists, questionnaires). It identifies the programmes, or parts of programmes, which will be trained in the companies. The school defines the competences the students need to achieve and ways this can be measured. Additionally, the school appoints the persons responsible for coordination of the practical training, supervision of the students during their training in the companies and evaluation of the students as well as the overall quality of the training.
Most important for schools are the legal matters concerning the safety and health of the students during the practical training in the companies as well as responsibility for the supervision of the students during work-based learning. The legal framework encompasses the Contract on alternate learning in schools and companies (with the company). Legislative provisions on documenting what happens during work-based learning as well as legal provisions on student assessment during work-based learning are important.
How to Start with WBL for Companies
In this type of partnership, the company considers the issues of linking learning outcomes related to teaching in the school with training and learning in the economy determining the content, timing, dynamics and selection of parts of the training program in a company. It is necessary for the company to bring this in line with its own work plans, and distribute the candidates by working departments and appoint the competent responsible persons accordingly.
Also, the company should provide mentors with the appropriate qualifications for the students during training in the company, as well as to determine ways to monitor and evaluate the work of students, to ensure the quality of training and to provide ongoing exchange of information with the school.
The company enters into a contract with the school and / or the parent on alternate learning at school and company (company – school + optional parent / pupil).
Legal questions for a training company are related to safety and health responsibilities during practice in a business and supervision during workplace learning