List of Documents for Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Law on Secondary Education
- Rulebook on the manner of accreditation of secondary schools and the manner of maintaining registries
- Rulebook on the conditions and manner of taking professional exam for teachers and professional associates in public secondary schools
- Rulebook on international Matura
- Rulebook on the manner of monitoring, assessment and grading, taking exams and progression of students in secondary schools
- Rulebook on the manner of taking exams and evaluating student results from state Matura exams in general, vocational and secondary art education
- Rulebook on the manner of taking exams and evaluating student results from final exams in secondary four-year vocational education
- Rulebook on the manner and domains for performing self-evaluation of primary schools
- Law on the Vocational Education and Training
- Rulebook on the form, content and manner of maintaining the Registry for
- Accreditation of employers for practical student training (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 31/08);
- Rulebook on the structure, organization and administering Master of Crafts exam (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia)