How to start with WBL for schools
Standards for delivery of practical student training at employers defines the steps that all companies and all VET schools need to follow:
- The school prepares a list of companies for performing practical training according to occupations.
- The criteria for allocating places for practical training are determined by the school itself, from professional asset.
- Some companies themselves send a request to the school to include students for practical training
- In some schools the teachers themselves are looking for practical training companies.
The criteria for which company from the list of companies will receive students, is in accordance with the selection of the members of the school’s professional activity in relation to which the company meets the requirements for a solid realization of the practical training according to the curriculum. If the company meets the specific requirements with regard to training space, equipment and professional staff, then is accredited of the fulfillment of the conditions by the Chamber and registered in the Registry for accreditation of employers for practical student training, which is performed by the chambers.
Standards for delivery of practical student training at employers should enable better application of the provisions of the laws governing the part for practical training at employers, the cooperation between companies and the vocational education institution and producing ideas for improving the practical performance at employers.
How to start with WBL for companies
In order for the employer to be verified for conducting the practical training of students, it is necessary to fulfill certain conditions in accordance with the Law on Vocational Education and Training in relation to premises, equipment and appropriate staff.
The employer who performs the practical training of students should meet the following standards:
Standard for premises
- A company is registered as a legal entity, and a craft store as a person or entity;
- A company has to be registered in the Register of the appropriate chamber in order to be able to receive students for practical training, and a craft shop must be registered in the Register of craftsmen;
- The employer has his own or leased space in accordance with the activity for which he is registered and meets the prescribed minimum technical conditions;
- The employer should provide premises where the students will be able to implement and realize the activities for achieving the goals of the curriculum for practical training;
- The employer must observe the general standards for the working conditions, in accordance with the Law on Safety and Health at Work.
Equipment standard
- The employer shall ensure the safety and maximum protection of the student during handling and operation of the equipment;
- The employer is oriented to new technical and technological changes and keeps in step with them;
- The equipment must be in order for the realization of the goals stated in the curriculum for practical training;
- The employer is to provide ergonomic standards for conducting practical training at the workplace and to respect the ergonomic principles.
Standard for professional and other staff
Professional staff (mentor) at employer, who will organize and implement practical training of students, must meet the following conditions:
- Have completed at least secondary education or master’s exam , corresponding level of education, -according to the activity
- Have at least three years of working experience in the business;
- -Be employed by the employer;
- -Have completed training for mentoring students on practical training with an employer
The chambers, employers and the Vocational Education and Training Centre participate in the organization, implementation and certification of mentors in companies. The training is conducted in accordance with the Training Program for mentors for performing practical training at employers. The training is conducted by experts from the respective field. The chambers issue a certificate for completed training for professional and other staff for conducting practical training at employers.
Before the practical training starts, the agreement must be signed and entered in the Registry of students who concluded practical training agreements with the VET institutions and the employer. This register is maintained by Chambers.
The main participants in the implementation of the practical training at employer should perform the following:
Planning by a vocational education institution:
- Signing a contract / memorandum of mutual cooperation with the employer that regulates the manner of organization and realization of the practical training of the students at the employer;
- Planning the realization of the practical training at employers;
- Prepares a list of employers for practical training.
Planning by the employer:
- planning the realization of the practical training;
- one or more persons who will complete the mentoring training and who will be in charge of working directly with the participants in practical training with the employer;
- signing an agreement with each student, or the parent/guardian for a minor student, and the vocational education institution.
Planning by the practical training teacher
- Prepares students’ schedule in companies and time frame for realization of practical training at employer;
- Prepares a work plan for the practical training of the student, in cooperation with the mentor at the employer.
Planning by the mentor for practical training:
- Prepares a work plan for the practical training of the student, in cooperation with the teacher for practical training;
- Prepares students’ schedule in the company.