List of Documents for Kosovo*
- Law No. 04/L-138 for Vocational Education and Training
- Administrative Instruction 01/2014 on organization and planning of the educational process in Vocational Education and Training
- Administrative Instruction 14/2015 on the implementation of the final exam on practical modules for students in the workshops – enterprises and the learning outcomes
- The Strategy for improvement of professional practice in Kosovo* 2013-2020 –
- The National Development Strategy 2016 – 2021, Pillar 1 “Human Capital”, Intervention “Improved correlation between skills acquired in education and labor market needs
- Kosovo Education Strategic Plan 2017 – 2021, Action Plan Result 6.5. “All students of vocational schools carry out practical learning in school and professional practice outside the school in line with the curriculum.”
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (MEST) & Kosovo* Chamber of Commerce (KCC)