How to Start with WBL for Schools
At the time of the launching of the Call for Enrolment, the Ministry of Education, VET Centre, VET schools, parents, students and companies are informed about VET curricula and VET schools which will offer work-based learning, as well the allowed number of students to attend WBL.
Prior to the beginning of the academic year, based on enrolled VET curricula, the school management specifies those curricula whose practical training could be implemented via work-based learning. The VET school principal is obliged to organize meetings with potential employers in order to identify whether they are interested to start work-based learning. During these meetings, the companies are informed on their future obligations when they enter into individual contracts with students, duration of the period for which the Ministry will pay the fees for students, type of support that will be provided to companies by VET schools, teachers and practical training organizers. The number of students to be trained in certain companies depends on the possibilities and readiness of companies to get involved in work-based learning and their human resources and material conditions.
When VET schools complete the arrangements with companies and submit the data to the Ministry of Education regarding the companies willing to start WBL, along with the number of potential students they are ready to train, the VET Centre will conduct the procedure of checking whether the companies fulfil material and HR conditions to become involved in work-based learning.
Afterwards, the VET Centre informs VET schools on the companies which fulfil material and HR conditions to become involved in work-based learning. This activity is followed by the encounters between school representatives and students and their parents who are informed about specific companies which offer work-based learning as well as about the possibilities and benefits of this type of education. The students, then, sign individual contracts on work-based learning with the companies.
When individual contracts are signed, the schools are obliged to:
- Organize meetings with parents so as to inform them about the obligations of employers, rights and responsibilities of students, salaries, obligations of schools, contents of individual contracts, etc.;
- Organize meetings with employers i.e. in-company mentors so as to inform them about the subject programmes and ensure support to employers to create plan of implementation of practical training;
- Develop plan of visiting students at companies;
- Prepare adequate documentation based on which employer and school will monitor attendance of students and keep record on the achievements of students.
The schools are obliged to keep records on individual contracts. The individual contract on work-based learning may be terminated upon the request of a student/parent, company or school. If individual contract on work-based learning is terminated as the result of non-adherence to the obligations by a company, the school undertakes the obligation to conclude new contract with other company. If the school does not ensure work-based learning with other company, the student will continue with school-based learning. If a company is changed or its owner, the rights and obligations referred to in individual contract are transferred to the new company with previous consent of a parent/tutor of a student.
The schools should deliver the programme of practical training to companies i.e. in-company trainers. It should also establish a team for the monitoring of students in work-based learning.
Practical training teacher, practical training organizer and in-company trainer identify whether it is possible to deliver all the contents envisaged by the curriculum in the company. If it is not possible to deliver some of the contents, the school organizes teaching in respective area at another company or in a school workshop. The duration of the implementation of such activities will be defined together by the company and the school.
How to Start with WBL for Companies
At the time of the launching of the Call for Enrolment, the Ministry of Education, VET Centre, VET schools, parents, students and companies are informed about VET curricula and VET schools which will offer work-based learning, as well the allowed number of students to attend WBL.
Upon their own initiatives, companies contact VET schools in order to establish cooperation in work-based learning. During the meeting with the school management, companies are informed on their future obligations when they enter into individual contracts with students, duration of the period for which the Ministry will pay the fees for students, type of support that will be provided to companies by VET schools, teachers and practical training organizers.
When VET schools complete the arrangements with companies and submit the data to the Ministry of Education regarding the companies willing to start WBL, along with the number of potential students they are ready to train, the VET Centre will conduct the procedure of checking whether the companies fulfil material and HR conditions to become involved in work-based learning.
Practical training teacher, practical training organizer and in-company trainer identify whether it is possible to deliver all the contents envisaged by the curriculum in the company. If it is not possible to deliver some of the contents, the school organizes teaching in respective area at another company or in a school workshop. The duration of the implementation of such activities will be defined together by the company and the school.
Employer’s responsibilities:
- To ensure conditions for students to acquire skills and competences during regular attendance of WBL, in accordance with curriculum;
- To maintain records and documentation on attendance and achievements of students during WBL;
- To ensure protection during WBL in compliance with regulations in the area of protection at work and to inform students on such regulations;
- To take care of the health of students.
- Employer should ensure that teachers have a direct insight into the implementation of WBL and insight into the documentation so as to ensure efficient monitoring.
VET Centre:
Ministry of Education: