TO REGOS Project Management Meeting, 11 May 2021
The eight Project Management Meeting was organised by the ERI SEE Secretariat on 11 May 2021 within the TO REGOS project. The meeting gathered NCPs for education and NCPs for business and their delegates as well as national team members…
ERI SEE Call for Expert(s) for the External Evaluation of the TO REGOS project, 29 April 2021
The Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE) is announcing a Call for Expert(s) for the External Evaluation of the project Towards regionally-based occupational standards – TO REGOS . The Evaluation is launched to assess the TO REGOS…
Public presentation: Feasibility Study for Developing Regionally Based Qualifications Standards, 20 April 2021
The Feasibility Study on Developing Regionally Based Standards of Qualifications and accompanying methodology was presented during the regional meeting on 20 April 2021. The meeting gathered the representatives of VET and qualification agencies, relevant ministries, occupation and qualification standards experts…
Webinar on feasibility of developing regionally based qualifications standards, December 2020
The Webinar on feasibility of developing regionally based qualifications standards was organised on 23rd December 2020 by the ERI SEE Secretariat within the scope of the TO REGOS project. The webinar gathered occupational standards experts from six TO REGOS economies…
The final TO REGOS regional consolidation meeting within construction sector
The final TO REGOS consolidation meeting for tile setter and floor layer occupational standards within the construction sector was organised on 16th December 2020. The TO REGOS teams from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia and…