The Towards regionally-based occupational standards – TO REGOS project’s Preparatory meeting for the consolidation of the hotel and restaurant technician occupational standard was organised as a two-day event on 25th November 2019, Skopje, the Republic of North Macedonia and on 3rd of December 2019 in Belgrade, Serbia.
Both meetings gathered TO REGOS National Coordination Points for Education, occupational standard experts and business experts who were working on developing hotel and restaurant technician occupational standard at the national level. Both meetings were moderated by Mr Zoran Jovcevski, occupational standard expert of the Center for Vocational Education and Training, the Republic of North Macedonia.
The main objectives of meetings, to present the hotel and restaurant technician occupational standards developed at the national level (national inputs) and the comparative analysis of all six national inputs and to discuss and consolidate national inputs into a proposal for the regionally based occupational standard, were fully met. The final output: the proposal of the regional hotel and restaurant technician occupational standard will be presented to the wider group of business and educational experts during the final regional meeting that will be organised in Belgrade on 16th and 17th of December, 2019.
Skopje meeting material:
- Agenda – download
- Minutes – download
- Ivana Živadinović: Comparative analysis of national inputs – download
- Zoran Jovcevski: Comparative analysis of national inputs – download
Belgrade meeting material
- Agenda – download
More about the TO REGOS project can be found here.