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4th meeting of the WBA for WBL, 13th June 2018, Belgrade

The 4th meeting of the WBA for WBL, to be held on 13th June 2018, is organized in Belgrade, back-to-back to the GIZ conference on dual education (to be held on 12th June), by Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE), with the support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

The 4th meeting of the WBA for WBL represents the continuation of joint activities of the SEE VET-Net and CIF, and will provide input on the following:

  1. Update on the recent activities of the WBA for WBL (TAIEX, on-line platform; upcoming Vienna conference on the future of VET in July 2018)
  2. Presentation of the testing version of the on-line platform WBA 4 WBL
  3. Definition of competences, processes and elements relevant for the occupational standards – comparative analysis of occupational standards on a concrete example (mechatronics and tourist technician)
  4. Definition of steps and methodologies used so far across the economies for the definition of occupational standards on concrete examples (mechatronics and tourist technician)

Please find the agenda

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