Quality of WBL in Montenegro
The Ministry of Education and the Centre for Vocational Education and Training with the support of the European Training Foundation (ETF) continuously work on the capacity building of in-company trainers aimed at the implementation and quality of WBL. These activities are mainly implemented via seminars and trainings, round tables and individual meetings. Experts engaged by ETF have developed training programme for in-company trainers. Some of them, upon the completion of the training, will be identified and engaged as master trainers for in-company trainers. National Education Council adopted this programme and it is now listed in the Catalogue of Programmes of Professional Development maintained by the Centre for Vocational Education and Training. In addition to this, Centre for Vocational Education and Training is in charge for the coordination, financing and delivery of teacher training in various fields: implementation of reformed (modularized) curricula, planning of teaching and training, contemporary teaching, etc. These trainings target VET teachers and school coordinators of practical training.
Ministry of Education appoints a team of experts composed of the representatives of schools, Centre for Vocational Education and Training and the Ministry so as to ensure efficient implementation and resolving open issues regarding WBL any time. The task of this team is to visit employers together with school coordinators and exchange feedback with in-company trainers and students on the functioning of WBL. The implementation of WBL is also monitored within the process of external evaluation – assessment of quality of education activity, conducted each four years by the Centre for Vocational Education and Training, in compliance with Law.