Policy and regulations the Republic of North Macedonia
In North Macedonia, work-based learning mainly takes place during formal upper secondary VET.
The Law on Vocational Education and Training regulates the planning, organizing and implementing of practical training in the school and at employers (work based learning).
All relevant documents, such as: Strategy for Vocational Education and Training in a Lifelong Learning context 2013-2020 and Action Plan – Better Skills for a Better Tomorrow, Education Strategy for 2018-2025 and Action Plan, Concept for Modernization of Technical education, treat work based learning with a commitment to improve WBL in all forms, both for students and adults, and give a special place and role in the education system.
The development, adoption, approval and classification of qualifications are the responsibility of the National Board for the NQF. The NQF was adopted and referenced to the EQF in 2015. The National Board was established in 2015 and works in close cooperation with Sectorial Qualifications Councils (established 5 sectorial councils). The Sectorial Qualifications Councils include representatives from employers’ associations, trade unions and relevant competent bodies for regulated professions.