Types of Work-based learning
Work-based learning in Kosovo is aimed to ensure the employability of students during the education and ease the transition to the labour market. This system will enable reduction of mismatch between the education and labour market needs.
There are two types of work-based learning in Kosovo:
- WBL partially delivered by school and partially by employer.
- WBL fully delivered by employer for the schools;
The number of hours of practical training spent at employer depends on the formal curriculum. For both types in the 10th grade students are obliged to spend 20% of their time for the practical part, in the 11th grade 30% and in the 12th grade from 40%-60% depending on availability.
Work-based learning carried out partially by school and by employer is regulated by a MoU signed between school management, employer and the student. This is implemented if the schools have equipped workshops;
WBL carried out fully by the employer is implemented when the schools do not possess equipped workshops; In this cases the schools have to ensure work places for students in companies; The student, or his/her parent/tutor, needs to sign an individual contract on work-based learning with an employer, before the WBL;
The main difference between the WBL partially delivered by the school and WBL fully delivered by the employer s that in the first one the school/teacher is in charge to monitor the students while they are in the companies, while as in the second one the company instructor is in charge to instruct, monitor and assess the students. In the second type of WBL, the students receive a payment of approximately 50 euros per month from the hosting company.
Programmes and Standards
Based on legislation, occupational standards should serve as a base for the development of the curricula. The OS are developed with the inputs provided by the professional experts and representatives of business. In this way the labour market needs are addressed.
During the piloting, started January 15 till May 15, 2018, 7 programs in 5 five VET schools have been adapted for WBL implementation: tailoring, wood processing, mechatronics, culinary, welding, telecommunications, and electric installation, through development of action plan between the teachers and in company instructor.
The MEST continuously works and adapts programs toward WBL, Kosovo* is in the final stage of regulating the legislation with all stakeholders based on needs for WBL providers.
There are MOUs and Educational Contract and additional supplementing documents. The MoU and contract regulate the working hours, the payment and responsibilities of the schools, the companies company and the students. The model of the contracts and MoUs can be found at schools and companies.
Guidance and checklists
In company training programme-check list, evaluations sheets have been developed for pilots. They define the monitoring process of WBL implementation and can be used as a model for all other programmes. Currently there is no direct access.
Capacity building activities
During 2018 3 OSs and training programmes have been developed. These programmes are offered for three target groups: company HR managers, school and company Instructors. MEST and KCC is in charge for organizing the trainings. Initially the trainings were supported by donor projects, and later is planned to be conducted based on agreements with different stakeholders.