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Access to WBL in Montenegro

Vocational education is available to everyone and may not be directly or indirectly limited on the grounds of: gender, race, colour of skin, language, religion, marital status, political or other belief, national, ethnic or other origin, material status, disability, on any other similar ground, position or circumstance, in compliance with special law. VET students of I, II and III grade of VET school may start with WBL. Usually, it is the school which establishes cooperation on WBL with employers in advance, but it is also possible that individual VET students find an employer and arrange the cooperation.  Only three-year VET curricula may be implemented via the dual system. One and the same VET curriculum is delivered to all VET students, regardless of whether they attend work-based learning or school-based classes. The difference is in the implementation of the programme of practical training subjects, which is the part of respective curriculum containing informative and formative goals. Schools are obliged to submit to employers i.e. in-company trainers the programme of practical training subjects.     

When schools finishes negotiations with employers and submits data to the Ministry of Education about employers that want to start with WBL, including the number of students they are ready to educate, the representatives of the Centre for Vocational Education and Training organize the visit to particular employers in order to determine whether they fulfil the material and professional conditions and may be the part of WBL. The fulfilment of the respective material and human resource conditions for the implementation of WBL is identified by the VET Centre, upon the request of employers. Material conditions are prescribed by the curriculum and human resource conditions are prescribed by law. The VET Centre has created a checklist for the assessment of fulfilment of conditions at employers.  

The teacher of the practice classes, the organizer of WBL and the in-company mentor determine whether it is possible to implement all areas/topics envisaged by the curriculum. In case it is not possible to implement some of these areas, the school organizes training in these areas at another employer or at the school workshop.   


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