How to start WBL
Does your school wish to take part in the WBL programme? Here you can find a step-by-step overview of what you must do in order to connect participate in WBL and connect with the business sector.
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Standards for delivery of practical student training at employers defines the steps that all companies and all VET schools need to follow:
- The school prepares a list of companies for performing practical training according to occupations.
- The criteria for allocating places for practical training are determined by the school itself, from professional asset.
- Some companies themselves send a request to the school to include students for practical training
- In some schools the teachers themselves are looking for practical training companies
At the time of the launching of the Call for Enrolment, the Ministry of Education, VET Centre, VET schools, parents, students and companies are informed about VET curricula and VET schools which will offer work-based learning, as well the allowed number of students to attend WBL.
Prior to the beginning of the academic year, based on enrolled VET curricula, the school management specifies those curricula whose practical training could be implemented via work-based learning. The VET school principal is obliged to organize meetings with potential employers in order to identify whether they are interested to start work-based learning…