How to start WBL for companies
Is your company interested in taking in students for practical education offering them hands-on experience?
Here is a per country overview what the specific criteria are a company must fulfill in order to take part in this program.
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
If a company or craft store wishes to take part in WBL, it must fulfill the following conditions:
Standard for premises
– A company is registered as a legal entity, and a craft store as a person or entity;
– A company has to be registered in the Register of the appropriate chamber in order to be able to receive students for practical training, and a craft shop must be registered in the Register of craftsmen;
– The employer has his own or leased space in accordance with the activity for which he is registered and meets the prescribed minimum technical conditions;
– The employer should provide premises where the students will be able to implement and realize the activities for achieving the goals of the curriculum for practical training;
– The employer must observe the general standards for the working conditions, in accordance with the Law on Safety and Health at Work.