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Results of WBL

Every year, the VET Centre prepares a Report on the total number of students who participated in practical training and the total number of employers who received students for practical training for the school year. According to the VET Centre survey and the records that it keeps for collecting data relevant to the labor market, VET Centre have the following indicators: from completed questionnaires from 74 secondary vocational schools in the academic year 2016/2017, out of 42,494 students in vocational education, professional and ferial practice is realized by 14.257 students, and the number of students who take practical training in real conditions at an employer is 11.234 students. The number of companies where the practical training is being realized is 973. From the data it can be concluded that 53% of the total number of students who perform practical training perform practical training at employers.  

Efforts are being made to improve the situation in this area, and in October 2015, work began on the development of the Skills Observatory. Through this, MoES will conduct an analysis of the adequacy of the skills of students in secondary education in relation to labour market demand, for the purpose of the continuous improvement of teaching programmes in accordance with employers’ requirements. Furthermore, the observatory will provide information on the employability of certain occupations, the expected time before employment is obtained and the level of earnings for each educational profile.  

For the purposes of the Skills Observatory, research is being undertaken in cooperation with the ETF to determine the employability of graduates and students (tracer study). Data is being collected on graduates and students for the school year 2014/15 in the field of VET and higher vocational education   

 Sectorial analyzes (2016/17 sector analyzes for all economic sectors were prepared).   (  

WBL is a complex process that provides win-win situation for all parties involved. For the society as a whole, WBL can lead to better and more relevant skills and thus to stronger economic development. It can help to strengthen the link

Benefits for the school 

  • Better cooperation between the school and the companies 
  • Improved quality of the practical training 
  • Obtaining relevant information about what is going on at the labor market and monitoring of the changes 
  • Introduction of additional content 
  • The teachers are informed about the new technologies 
  • Analysis of the existing practical training teaching programs and their timely revising 

Benefits for the students 

  • Investment in their own future;  
  • First step towards employment; 
  • Getting recommendation from the company or employment; 
  • Acquisition of work experience in real situation; 
  • Relating the knowledge with on-job practical implementation; 
  • Greater possibility for selection of occupations; 
  • Exploring of opportunities for professional development; 
  • Shorter time for adaptation in case of landing a job; 
  • Opportunity to learn from experienced entrepreneurs – masters, etc.; 
  • Improvement of the soft skills: self-confidence, self-initiative, creativity, loyalty, entrepreneurship skills, etc.  

Benefits for the employers 

  • Possibility for active involvement in the delivery of the teaching process 
  • Keeping up with the events in the educational process 
  • Influence on the education in accordance with one’s needs 
  • Active influence on the improvement of the theoretical knowledge with the practical skills 
  • Strengthening of the educational function of the companies 
  • Increase of the competencies among the future workforce 
  • Recruitment of new staff and possibility for selection of future workforce 
  • Better preparation of the future workers and workforce that will be able to quickly adapt to the needs of the work  
  • Acquiring of financial, tax and custom deductions prescribed by the law on VET.  
  • Identification of future capable staff in accordance with the current and future needs of the employer 
  • Creating a mass of workers with specific skills for particular jobs 
  • Use of the capacities in the companies for inclusion in the competence acquisition process 
  • Promotion of the company in the local environment and beyond 
  • The ability to recognize the profile of the candidates they need, that is professional and dedicated to the work; 
  • New ideas the young people have and can be applied in the modernization of the company; 
  • Future cooperation that could motivate the employees to continuously improve themselves and advance at work;  
  • Good example for socially responsible work  
  • Possibilities for implementation of joint projects between the schools and the companies 



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