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TO REGOS – the first working group meeting for the hotel and restaurant technician occupational standard, Banja Luka

The first meeting of the working group for the development of the hotel and restaurant technician occupational standard (HRTOS) was organised on 17th and 18th of September 2019 in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) within the framework of the TO REGOS project. The two-day meeting gathered business experts from the tourism and hospitality sector from six hospitality enterprises from different parts of BiH marking the first step in the development of  this occupational standard.

The meeting aimed at:

  • Present the TO REGOS project and the general framework of the meeting
  • Introducing goal, plans and expected results of the exercise
  • Introducing the methodology, format and content of the occupational standard forms
  • Analyse the results of implemented surveys
  • Start with the development phase that is writing the OS forms
  • Define the key tasks and activities for job groups

The first meeting of the national working groups within the TO REGOS project has been organised by Dušan Sarajlić of the Agency for Pre-primary, Primary and Secondary Education – APOSO.

The second meeting is expected to be organised at the beginning of October, 2019.

The meeting agenda can be downloaded here.


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