The final meeting of the working group for the development of the hotel and restaurant technician occupational standard was organised on 26 December 2019 in Belgrade. The meeting gathered the representatives from the tourism sector as well the representatives of the Institute for the Improvement of Education, and Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe/ERI SEE Secretariat.
The purpose of the meeting was to present the regional occupational standard to all members of the group, discussion of main tasks and activities of four functions: operation, administrative, commercial and communication/cooperation tasks and transferring to the national model
Objectives of the meetings were:
- Review of the work done at the regional working meetings regarding Standard of occupation
- Comparison of the two versions – national and regional level of the SO-“Hotel Restaurant Technician” (working methodology for identifying common elements and identifying differences)
- Finalizing the development of the occupational standard “Hotel Restaurant Technician” at national level
The workshop was facilitated by Ms Marijana Lazarević of the Institute for the Improvement of Education and organised by Ms Maja Todorović of the Institute for the Improvement of Education, a National Contact Point for Education within the TO REGOS project.