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5th meeting of the Western Balkans Alliance for Work-based Learning – The Future of VET in the Western Balkans, 10th – 11th July 2018, Vienna, Austria

The 5th meeting of the Western Balkans Alliance for Work-based Learning (WBA for WBL meeting), is organized by the KulturKontakt Austria and Education Reform Initiative of South Easter Europe (ERI SEE), and is to be held on the 10th and 11th July 2018, in Vienna.

The 5th WBA for WBL meeting is organized as a back-to-back event to the Conference „The Future of Vocational Education and Training in Europe“, held within the context of the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The WBA for WBL meeting will tie into the conclusions and content of the Austrian Presidency Conference, bringing together the relevant EU and Western Balkans stakeholders and experts in the field of VET to reflect upon the challenges, potential solutions and vision of the VET systems in the region, shared with the EU or specific to the Western Balkans.

The WBA for WBL meeting will also explore how the WBA for WBL, composed of the representatives  relevant for VET and work-based learning – VET centres and chambers of commerce from the region – contribute to VET modernization in the Western Balkans.

More concretely, the WBA for WBL meeting will:

  • Offer platform for continuing cooperation and dialogue between the education and business sector in the field of VET, by gathering the relevant representatives of the VET centres from the region (under the South Eastern Europe Vocational Education and Training Network – SEEVET Net) on the one hand, and the representatives of the Chambers of commerce from the Western Balkans (under the Chambers Investment Forum – CIF), havign formed the Western Balkans Alliance for Work-based Learning – WBA for WBL
  • Present various perspectives on the future of VET in Europe and Western Balkans by gathering the relevant EU and Western Balkans speakers
  • Present the developments of the On-line Regional Platform for Work-based learning, a tool for enhancing communication, transparency, information flow and understanding among the relevant actors in the Western Balkans in the area of work-based learning
  • Continue the work on regionally-based occupational standards, as a means of brining the skills-base of the region closer to the needs of the labour market, as well as a means of enhancing the work-based component of curricula.

For more information, please see the agenda.

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