Financing WBL in Montenegro
Law on Vocational Education and Training stipulates that the budget of the Ministry of Education ensures funds for the fees of students of the first and second grade in dual education system. The renumeration of students in the third grade are the duty of the employer. The amount of the fee in the first grade is at least 10% average net salary, at least 15% average net salary in the second grade and at least 20% average net salary in the third grade.
Employers are not obliged to pay pension and health insurance, as it was stipulated by Law until now. This practice was regarded as a severe barrier for active involvement of employers in dual education. Before, the fee received by students was calculated with regards to gross salary. In the recent amendments to the Law on Vocational Education and Training, as of June 2017, this obligation was abolished. The adherence to these financial obligations is monitored by the Ministry of Education.