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Access to WBL in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Initial Secondary Vocational Education, according to the Law on secondary vocational Education and Training in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is available to everyone, in accordance with the performance in primary school, personal interest and capabilities.

Besides the general objectives defined in the Framework Law on Secondary Vocational Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina (“Official Gazette BiH, number 18/03), secondary vocational education and training:

  1. Enables the student the right to secondary vocational education and training under equal conditions in accordance with his/her own interests and capabilities;
  2. offers the student support with choosing the right occupation and integration in society;
  3. Develops student awareness about the need for further education and training;
  4. Creates the conditions for development and promotion of traditional crafts;
  5. Harmonizes demand and market needs
  6. Brings vocational education and training on EU country level.

Attending and graduating from a secondary vocational school which lasts four years (technical, economic, medical…) the student obtains a secondary school diploma and the possibility of enrolling to university. Attending and graduating from a secondary school shorter than three years, there is no access to university.

In accordance with the market demands, the competent authorities may determine less than three years of education and training for certain less complex and simpler jobs, as well as a qualification according to the occupation in question.

Secondary education of adults encompasses special programs for gaining secondary general or vocational education, requalification programs and various qualification and additional learning programs.

Education of students with special needs is being organized using special methods in regular or special classes of secondary schools, and students with more difficulties are being educated in special education institutions.

The programs for obtaining a secondary school diploma provide knowledge and skills necessary for work and contiuing of schooling. Qualification programs and additional learning programs complement gained knowledge and skills necessary for the occupation.

Nevertheless, in Bosnia and Herzegovina there are challenges due to the social changes as well as due to the current market situation. There is also the tendency that the society sees the needs and capacities of the unemployed and all other vulnerable population categories (minorities, children with special needs, unemployed youth) as well as attempts to create social inclusive systems which are comparable with other systems in the region and Europe.

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