There is currently 1 name in this directory beginning with the letter D.
DACUM is an acronym for developing a curriculum. It is a one- or two-day storyboarding process that provides a picture of what the worker does in terms of duties, tasks, knowledge, skills, traits and in some cases the tools the worker uses. The information is presented in graphic chart form and can include information on critical and frequently performed tasks and the training needs of workers
DACUM is an acronym for Developing A CurriculUM, but it actually involves only the first step in a full vocational curriculum development process. Instead of job observation, DACUM uses guided group discussion with expert workers. The DACUM process includes, in addition to occupational specific tasks, the separate identification of work enablers: general knowledge and skills, worker behaviours (personal traits and interpersonal skills), and tools and equipment used. These tasks become the focus of curriculum development. DACUM is used in many developed and developing countries.